Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Church History ---- PART ONE

Knowing the history of Christianity helps knowing the sensitive nature of Salvation. For a Christian knowing the past understands how to react to the future. A Christian not knowing that even a neck was paid for Salvation, may compromise the very concept of following the Lord with temporal peace. The Lord taught us that, "Whoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it ; and
 whoever shall lose his life [for the sake of the Kingdom of God] shall preserve it." Luke 17:33

However, these days following these principles and adhering to the very righteous path may trigger to be labeled as a 'fundamentalist'. To the scale of being casted out from friends, families, etc. These are the modern 'martyrdom' costs to whom we have to react cautiously, lest we may be drowned with the deeds of the world. Last time a preacher was arrested for speaking that homosexuality is sin [1]. What is the meaning of spirituality, if a sin more wicked like homosexuality that was the reason for the extinction of Sodom and Gomorrah [Genesis 19:1] by the Lord, is not a sin even two millennia  after the Gospel was preached? A corrupted social philosophy driving men to be degraded below the instinct morale of animals!!!
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Enjoy reading Church History Presentation
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Happy New 2011. May the Lord send His peace to all men around the world. Amen.


1 comment:

  1. So true my brother. Perversions like sodomy are being tolerated and justified even by many professing Orthodox Christians. They have been duped by the philosophy of this world which causes them to think they are being "judgemental" if they speak out against sin and perversion. Too many Christians today are afraid of calling homosexuality a sin and evolution a lie. They do not want to be labeled a "fundamentalist" or a "fanatic." But we cannot carry the Cross and be comfortable. We cannot carry the Cross and "fit in" with the world. As St. James said, "Friendship with the world is enmity with God." [St. James 4:4] Thank you for reminding us of these things! Selam, -GMK-
